Hobbyists & Bee Enthusiasts
Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey
Attention Hobby Beekeepers!
The California State Beekeepers Association recognizes the interests of commercial beekeepers often intersect with people who keep bees as a hobby. CSBA is committed to sharing information and research findings with individual hobby beekeepers and beekeeping clubs whenever possible.
CSBA has devoted hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund research to learn more about how to safely raise bees. We are happy to share this information and our expertise with people who love bees.
As part of our annual convention, CSBA provides informational sessions and presentations by researchers tailored specifically to bee hobbyists. For more information about dates for our next convention, please visit the Convention section of our website.
Become a Master Beekeeper
For more information and resources about beekeeping, bee health and research, please visit the California Master Beekeeping website sponsored by University of California Cooperative Extension.
Swarm Removal
CSBA does not provide hive removal services, but please utilize the information below to find resources in the following areas.
Orange County
Los Angeles County
Central Valley
Sonoma County
San Diego County
Santa Barbara County
You can also contact your county agricultural commissioner’s office which may also maintain lists of swarm removal services in your area.
Local Beekeeping Clubs
Below is a list of beekeeping clubs who are members of CSBA. Please contact them for more information on hobby beekeeping.
Big Valley Beekeepers Guild
PO Box 174
Linden, CA 95236
P: 209.294.0819
E: BigValleyBeekeepers@gmail.com
W: www.bigvalleybeekeepersguild.org
Central Valley Beekeepers Association
24525 Avenue 7-1/2
Madera, CA. 93637
P: 559.875.5630
E: info@centralvalleybeekeepers.org
W: www.centralvalleybeekeepers.org
Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association
P: 562.863.1886
E: lacba.president@gmail.com, lacba.secretary@gmail.com
W: www.losangelescountybeekeepers.com
Orange County Beekeepers Association
1142 W. Porter Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92833
P: 619.992.5825
E: lizsavage@sbcglobal.net
W: www.ocbeekeepers.org
San Diego Beekeeping Society
5110 Nannette Street
Bonita, CA 91902-2110
E: sandiegobeekeepingsociety@gmail.com
W: www.sandiegobeekeepingsociety.com
Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild
P.O. Box 202
Los Gatos, CA 95031
P: 408.221.2147
E: treasurer@beeguild.org
W: www.beeguild.org
Sonoma County Beekeepers Association
PO Box 98
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
P: 707.280.4376
E: president@sonomabees.org
W: www.sonomabees.org
California Bee Breeders Association
3455 Oro Dam Blvd W
Oroville, CA 95965
P: 530.532.4302
E: cabeebreeders@gmail.com
Delta Bee Club (Stanislaus, Merced, & San Joaquin Counties)
2036 Poland Road
Modesto, CA 95358
P: 951.317.6811
E: deltabees@gmail.com
W: www.deltabeeclub.org
Mt. Diablo Beekeepers Association
P.O. Box 4688
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
P: 925.984.4337
E: treasurer@diablobees.org
W: www.diablobees.org
Sacramento Area Beekeepers Association
P.O. Box 188851
Sacramento, CA 95818
E: sabapresLTN@gmail.com
W: www.sacbeekeepers.org
Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association
1187 Coast Village Road Suite 1, #620
Santa Barbara CA, 93108
P: 805.699.6229
E: bees@sbba.org
W: www.sbba.org
Shasta Beekeepers Association
15055 Summer Shade Lane
Redding, CA 96003
P: 530.227.0631
E: usbsullivan@gmail.com
Please email us at calstatebeekeepers@agamsi.com if your club is interesting in joining CSBA and being listed on our website