About Us

The California State Beekeepers Association is an organization that exists to support professional beekeepers and California’s pollination needs.

CSBA values all kinds of bees — whether they’re commercial, non-commercial or native pollinators. But our primary concern is protecting managed bees who are doing the work of feeding the world.

CSBA funds research designed to improve bee health and advocates to help commercial beekeepers in the face of several critical issues including:

  • Working toward fair laws and regulations that allow us to run our businesses
  • Increasing access to forage land
  • Managing rising operating costs of everything from labor to fuel
  • Contending with drought, heat and adverse weather
  • Fending off varroa mites and other pests and diseases without the adequate tools to do so
  • Competing with inexpensive, imported and, often fraudulent, honey
  • Protecting hives from bears and other thieves
  • Controlling Africanized bees
  • Uniting the beekeeping community, farmers, environmentalists and the public behind common goals to sustain and protect bees

CSBA Leadership

CSBA leadership is provided by a Board comprised of commercial beekeeping members. Each year a slate of CSBA Board members are presented to the membership during its Annual Meeting for acceptance. Board members and officers are reappointed each year for a term of one year. Below is a list of the current CSBA Board and Officers.

Executive Committee & Officers

President: Philip Russell, Yuba City

1st Vice President: Ryan Burris, Palo Cedro

2nd Vice President: Trevor Tauzer, Woodland

Treasurer: Nicole Landon, Richvale

Representative: Jackie Park-Burris, Palo Cedro

Representative: Bryan Ashurst, Westmorland

Representative: Daren Wooters, Cottonwood

Representative: Brent Ashurst, Westmorland

Committee Chairs

Auction Committee: Sara Stayer, Palo Cedro

Awards Committee: Steve Godlin, Visalia

Constitution & Parliamentarian: Brad Pankratz, Orland

Exhibitors & Sponsors Committee: Carly Ashurst, Westmorland

Legislative Committee: Jackie Park-Burris, Palo Cedro

Nominations Committee: Buzz Landon, Richvale

Public Lands Committee: Jason Miller, Newcastle

Research Committee: Bryan Ashurst, Westmorland

Resolutions Committee: Roger Everett, Terra Bella

Scientific Advisor: Elina L. Niño, Davis

ABF Delegates

Russell Heitkam

Dylan Kelly

Brad Pankratz

Affiliate organizations