Let’s All BeeWhere!
The California State Beekeepers Association supports BeeWhere. The BeeWhere program is working to inform beekeepers, pesticide businesses and farmers about updated laws in California that protect bees from accidentally being sprayed with pesticides as they perform the important job of pollinating California’s fruit, nut and vegetable crops.
The goal is for every beekeeper working in California to register through the GIS-based beehive mapping system created specifically to protect pollinators.
This is an important first step — but the system won’t work unless everyone does their part. That means – beekeepers, pesticide applicators and farmers must all BeeWhere!
How to Register Your Hives
Please use this video tutorial for step-by-step instructions for how to register your hives in California using BeeWhere, and use the Fieldwatch App to plot the location of your hives. Pause the video at any time and learn at your own pace. It’s easy to BeeWhere.
Please use the attached handouts to learn more about how the BeeWhere program works for: