NOVEMBER 14–16, 2023


Join us November 14th-16th, 2023 at the Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa for three days of informational sessions, networking opportunities, exhibitors and so much more!

THANK YOU 2022!!

We would like to thank everyone who attended, sponsored, exhibited and spoke at this year’s convention. Buzz put together a great group of speakers that spoke about legislative issues, timely research, and industry issues including a representative from Fish and Wildlife, Almond Board and Blue Diamond.

With over 300 people from different facets of the industry, it was a great group of people that came together to learn, network, and enjoy some quality time with those working so hard in the industry.

This year our silent auction, research lunch and auction, and banquet auction brought in almost $70,000 in donations for research! That is quite an achievement, and we thank all of our donors and buyers for allowing the CSBA to continue to fund research.

Additionally, we had the honor of remembering Eric Mussen at our memorial lunch. The room was filled with people that had all been impacted by Eric’s work and Gene Brandi and John Miller delivered a beautiful service. We were delighted to be able to have Eric’s wife, Helen, and his two sons join the event via Zoom to be able to witness the outpouring of love for Eric from his industry friends. At this even we also raffled off an original George Hansen painting, which raised $3,680 for Project Apis. m. We thank all those that contributed to this event.

Thank you again to all our sponsors, exhibitors, attendees, speakers and staff that worked so hard to make this a great convention. We hope to see you next year in Costa Mesa!


A big congratulations and thank you to our 2022 CSBA Annual Convention Award recipients!

Young Beekeeper of the Year

Daren Wooters

Beekeeper of the Year

Philip Russell

Honorary Beekeeper

Richard Ashurst

Eric Mussen Distinguished Service Award

Ann Quinn

President’s Award

Robert Snyder

Click Here for Photos from Convention!